May 31, 2012

Keep A Long-Lasting Business Relationship In Mind And Attempt To Achieve It

A long-lasting business relationship is imperative for any business to succeed. Repeat business must outpace customer turnover to sustain business growth. Clues to establishing successful long-lasting business relationships can be seen in everyday relationships (think friendships, a spouse etc), but is unique and should be treated differently.

Long-Lasting Business Relationship
A great business relationship often begins with a combination of attraction and communication. This form of attraction is the compelling reason someone should work with you. In sales 101, it is called your “Benefits Statement.” If benefits are equal, be the better relationship option, people buy from those they like, or like the most. The life cycle to a mature, long-lasting business relationship follows these tips:

Long Term Goals

Our long-term goal is to expand our service achieving a 10% market penetration and operate ten mobile car wash trucks in our exclusive territory.

We also plan to renew our Franchise Agreement for two terms. At the end of five years we plan to operate these trucks without physically doing the labor. We will occasionally wash cars, attend community events and fundraisers. We will at that point be providing more of a managerial role. After the second renewal in ten years, we plan to have a general manager running our company, go into semi-retirement and possibly do a little traveling.

Be a real person

Have a personality, a good hand shake and eye contact in person, or be great on the phone. Humor is like fire, a tremendous tool if used correctly.

Be discoverable with positive results – Linkedin, Facebook, Twitter, Googleable.

When appropriate, share a bit about your life. Maybe your kids are your passion, maybe you’re both avid golfers - people enjoy working with people who are real.

Be engaging

Ask great questions.

Be a consultant, not just a “yes or no” person & help prevent hurdles they haven’t considered yet.

Help them to feel comfortable, provide references who also think the world of you

Applaud them when they’re doing something great, guide them when they are not.

Build Your Credibility & Trust

Clients like to do business with people they believe are credible and with whom they trust. Did you know that credibility follows credential in the dictionary? This is ironic because an effective way of presenting yourself as a credible person is to talk about your credentials. However, most people feel uneasy about “tooting their horn” because we’ve all learned not to brag. This is usually true, except when it comes to establishing your personal credibility when meeting new people, tooting you own horn is necessary. If you have 10 years of industry experience, let your clients and prospects know. If you’ve been a top salesperson or a member of an important account support team, find ways to share these honors. Do your clients and prospects know about your credentials?

No matter how good your product/service is, customers still won’t buy if they don’t trust you. If your product/service is at all innovative (eg if it involves technology), then new customers will perceive risk in doing business with you. You can reduce the customers’ perception of risk by using the market networks: whom do the customers go to for advice, when coming to their purchase decisions? If you can identify the networks and engage with the opinion-leaders, you can strongly reduce the risks perceived by customers, and get automatic, free-of-charge, business advantage for yourself.

Don’t try to please everybody all the time. That way, you risk ending up being everybody’s second choice. Recognise that different customers may want different things, so choose the types of customers that you can serve best and can reach most easily. Also, different customers use different networks of influence, so you should take this into account as well: which parts of the market can you reach effectively and economically?

May 25, 2012

Is It Possible To Build A Friendship With Your Boss

Friend To Your Boss

Even if you decide that you can build a friendship with your boss, there will be times when the professional relationship is strained because of the personal relationship, and vice versa. As much as you try to compartmentalize different aspects of your friendship, issues at the office and at home are bound to get in the way. For example, if you have to be reprimanded for a mistake, will you want to go to the movies afterward?

Furthermore, even if you aren't given a few passes because you're the boss's friend, your coworkers might be able to figure out your relationship. Jealousy is common in the office, especially when you work closely with your colleagues, and allegations of favoritism are sure to arise after a while. This can strain your relationships with your colleagues and cause productivity to suffer.

However, it certainly is possible for two mature adults to maintain a friendship despite the fact that one outranks the other at work. It requires a mutual agreement to keep professional and personal lives completely separate and to maintain a professional demeanor at work. You can't sit for hours in your boss's office, discussing the latest baseball game, while your colleagues are hard at work at their desks.

Keep a positive attitude

This goes without saying; there is power and pay back in being positive! It doesn’t take much effort to be kind and it is harmless to be positive. You can start by doing a small favour for busy colleagues; the plan is to plant small, relevant seeds of kindness and positivity around your workplace. Your positive attitude costs nothing. Positivity in the way you behave, contribute to initiatives and undertake your daily work should speak for itself. As a positive staff, working with someone like you will make tasks and relationships seem much less difficult, and a positive morale usually does great things for teamwork, bosses and allow for prosperity in the business. Being one of the few that can find the positive in every situation could help single you out as a talented employee and command your boss’s respect in that you are one of the ones to always remember when it is time for promotion.

Put in real effort

Those that do more than what is required or needed generally stand a better chance of being noticed by their bosses. Go the extra mile. The difference between ordinary and extraordinary is the ‘extra’. This fact applies everywhere. Real effort will usually reward you because the boss knows you put in the extra time work and really care about your job. It is a known fact that bosses can usually tell when a job has been done with an above-average dedication.

Network, Network, Network

It is easy to just do the busy work and not the work that adds value or connect you to other departments or that are inter-departmental. Try to volunteer to take the tasks no one else wants to take on. This will make your boss realise your willingness to work with others and your ability to network and will most likely appreciate it. Getting to know and respect managers in other departments is a good idea so that you have someone to speak for you other than just your boss. Positive feedback will be given to your boss so it is important that you make an effort to do a good job within or outside your department. If your boss should move on, then someone else or other managers in management knows the quality of the work that you do.

We don't live in a perfect world, and there will be times when you can't conceivably maintain a friendship with your boss. Perhaps your colleagues are out of sorts, or maybe you aren't capable of keeping your professional relationship separate from your personal one. Regardless of the reasons, you do have options.

For example, if you work for a large company, you can keep your friendship with your boss as well as your job by requesting a transfer. As soon as you are out from underneath your boss's authority, no one will have any reason to question your relationship. Plus, friendships are often easier to maintain when you don't have to worry about the pressures of work, so you might be able to keep a friend this way.

If you aren't able to transfer, however, it might be best to start looking for a new job when your friendship with your boss can no longer be sustained. There might be a better opportunity waiting outside the walls of your current office, and you won't know until you give it a shot. Just don't resort to this measure until you've exhausted all other remedies.

When your boss wants to complain, he complains to his spouse. So being one of the few people that your boss’ spouse knows, and likes, can help you a ton, especially if the complaint is about you.

You’d be surprised how powerful of an ally his spouse can be when she is on your side, and what a bitter enemy she can be when she isn’t. Any first-person contact is meaningful, whether it’s a 10-minute conversation at the holiday party or an after-work meeting for dinner and drinks. Make sure you create an alliance with the real decision maker.

May 18, 2012

The Word Friend Doesn't Mean Much On Its Own, Your Friends May Be Your Lovers

friends can become lovers
The word friend doesn't mean much on its own, although adding a prefix can change its entire meaning. A girl friend makes you think about anniversaries, dating and sex, while a best friend makes you think of fun, comfort and a shoulder to lean on. Can the two be combined?

Can friends be lovers , vice-versa is a never-ending debate that's not going to be resolved anytime soon.

Most psychologists would say that was unusual. The reality is that when friends become lovers the shift in their emotions is usually gradual. In fact, it's so subtle they don't even notice it's happening until the moment a kindly hug becomes loaded with intention. Mo Kurimbokus, a relationship counsellor, says, 'Think of it like foreplay. All the time you're being friends, you're learning about each other. Subconsciously you're deciding whether you can take it further, from a friendship on to a more emotional and sexual level.

Of course, your long-term girlfriend is likely to become your best friend, but what about when your best friend becomes your girlfriend? She has always been one of the guys, the girl you could hang out with even if you just crawled out of bed wearing a ripped, worn-out t-shirt (the one your ex-girlfriend always told you to throw out).

She complains to you about menstrual cramps and you don't cringe. You tell her openly about what you had to do the other night before bed after your date left abruptly without allowing the evening to progress fully and she confesses that she had to do the same thing because her boyfriend has mono.

One night you see her sexily clad and realize that you're unable to stop thinking about her. You begin to see her in a different light. You begin rushing home to check the machine in case she has called. That's it, you've fallen for your best friend hook, line and sinker but is this relationship feasible?

Of course, the overlap in what we want from both friends and partners is significant. In a poll conducted for the women's website 83 per cent of female participants believed that a purely platonic friendship could exist between men and women. But, when probed further, one third said they secretly lusted after their male friends. It seems that physical attraction is often a by-product of a cemented companionship. Yet not every close friendship will develop into the kind of romance that would give Danielle Steele a run for her money.

It's a thin line to walk anyway. That comfort zone that everyone seeks ideally in a relationship is most practically found when we are with our friends. Think about it, who is it that knows your inner-most feelings? The guy you love or the friend who comforts you? It's this comfort zone that makes it difficult for a lot of people to realise they are crossing the friendship line and moving towards a deeper emotional bond. Am I in love with my friend?

It's the sexual chemistry that ultimately sends you over the edge,' states Christine Northam, a counsellor working for Relate. 'And there are certain people, friends or otherwise, who you could never imagine as a sexual partner. The chemistry just isn't there. In the business, we call it "couple fit". Each of us has a psychological make-up that has been moulded by life's influences and experiences, and most of the time we're not even aware of it. We unconsciously sum up this blueprint in another person, and if there is a "fit" we make an emotional connection. Because long-standing friends have had plenty of time to develop this bond, they already know they have plenty in common. Their judgement tends to be more reliable.'

It happened: You two are kissing—and maybe more. While it might be nice to think you’ll click instantly since you know each other, familiarity can work against you. “The first contact might be awkward,” says Mantell. “Our society is more accustomed to romance built on pure fantasy, and that is harder to do with a friend.” Mantell urges that transitioning couples shouldn’t give up right away if the chemistry is off. “Acknowledge the uneasiness, make a joke saying something like ‘Well, we know each other too well to be relaxed.’” Another option is to promise each other you’ll go really slowly until you get used to this new situation. “A classic sex therapy technique is foreplay only, no intercourse, until both people are really comfortable,” says Mantell. Try it until you have to break the no-intercourse rule... and then you know the technique worked.

One major caveat: While having sex doesn’t have to mean you are officially an item, the fact you’re already so close can raise romantic expectations. So whether you’re interested in pursuing a serious relationship with this person or just out to satisfy your curiosity and keep things casual, it’s crucial you communicate your expectations and hopes—and have a handle on his or hers—before getting hot and heavy. Just say, “I’m really attracted to you but want to make sure we’re on the same page so nobody’s feelings get hurt…” and explain your stance from there. You two may forge ahead even if you don’t see eye-to-eye, but at least it’s on the table. Everyone you sleep with deserves that much, but friends especially do, don’t you think?

May 12, 2012

You Are My Friend But In My Business, I Do Not Know You

Business Or Friend
Catching up on old questions/posts. One good one had to do with how to handle friends who become clients to make sure friendship stays solid and yet have the client relationship remain businesslike. This issue applies with business friend.

There is an old saying that goes, “business and friend do not mix well”. While this seems like a pretty benign statement, it is not until you are in the middle of the effects of mixing business and family that this statement truly gains it’s meaning. I have recently exited a business transaction with a family member, and have learned (once again) a valuable lesson in the process. I have constantly ignored the warnings of mixing business and family, hoping that somehow the new transaction would follow a different pattern. However, without fail the same challenges and issues ultimately occur which draw the transaction to a pre-mature conclusion. In this article, I have listed the Top 5 reasons why business and family do not mix, and should not be attempted.

YOU'VE BEEN TALKING ABOUT STARTING that flower shop with your best friend for years. Or perhaps you and your brother are finally ready to open that restaurant you dreamed of endlessly when you were still sharing a room at home.
Now that you're in the start-up phase, the real issues of running a business with a close friend or family member are upon you. How will you stay friends? How will you separate your work life from your home life? How do you avoid a bleak failure that will haunt your Thanksgiving dinner table for years to come?
Family business experts echo one definitive piece of advice for startups: Communicate. Get everything out upfront, draft contracts and have discussions where you dissect every possible business scenario. "This should all be done in a very nonjudgmental environment," says Jim Ellis, director of the Family Business Program at the University of Southern California. "[You] need to discuss those issues upfront, when nobody's got an ax to grind and there's no emotional situation--because there will be emotions later on, without question."
Because business should be business and there is no room for making friends and socializing. Friendship interferes with a business relationship by keeping people from making the right business choice for the sake of the friendship.
I say, "No way!" Friends understand the business decisions you have to make because they sometimes have had to make the same ones. If they cannot, they are not a friend!
For me, the issue is clear:
Be explicit about when you are being a friend/family member and when you are being a business partner/client/vendor. Avoid mixing the two by being explicit:
“I’m your friend, but right now I’m talking to you as your web designer….”
There is a great saying I read on a bus in Kenya, posted by the bus driver (in a country where family ties and friendships run deep):
You are my friend, yes.You are my cousin, yes.But in my business, I do not know you.
Going into business with friends or family? Prepare for disaster. If you're naive -- er, I mean optimistic -- enough to think you can make it work, be sure you can handle the business pitfalls that can damage a personal relationship.
Businesses outgrow relationships: In running a business -- especially a startup -- success comes from assembling the best team you can. Unless you know your friend or family member can deliver the product at the quality level you need, you're shooting yourself in the foot by hiring them instead of someone else. Even if their work is top notch, you may have to fire them if your strategic direction changes and they're no longer a good fit.
An entrepreneur client started a business with his high school best friend. By the 300th employee, the company had completely revamped its original business plan. The best friend's skills became irrelevant, but he was still a six-figure salary drain on the company. Through no fault of his own, he became redundant, and the owner wasn't prepared to fire his buddy.
In business, there's only one boss; it's your money and your sweat equity on the line, and you'll have opinions on what the business needs. Your friends and family members may not agree. During disagreements, you may have to choose between what's best for the business and what's best for the relationship. Business partners argue over control constantly, but the stakes are higher when personal ties are on the line.
Personally, I have had the pleasure of getting to know people from all over the world. Interesting people. Professionally, I have learned from all these people and some of them have become my customers. When you build this relationship, you also build trust and people will be more likely to buy from someone they trust.
Treat everyone you meet with respect, courtesy and consideration. This will go a long way in building friendships and your business. Because in doing this, you are building yourself, your reputation and your character. If you appear aloof and rigid, you will be looked upon with skepticism and mistrust. This will do nothing for your business or reputation, but it will probably keep you from making any friends. If that is your goal, you will then do well.
I have written several articles on how we should treat each other because I have seen some people be rude or even downright cruel to others for absolutely no reason. I guarantee a person with that kind of outlook and attitude will not get far in the business world or their personal life.
When I first came online, I was amazed by how much people were willing to help others and how so many people built online friendships. It was one of the things that attracted me to this business.

May 10, 2012

Rude Behavior Ruins Business

Rude Behavior
Do you know the proper way to behave at a business dinner? How to correctly address e-mails? What about the accepted protocol at office meetings? Etiquette, manners, and cross cultural, or intercultural communication have become critical elements required for all International and Global Business executives, managers, and employees. As international, multinational, transnational, multi domestic, and global business continues to expand and bring people closer, the most important element of successful business outcomes may be the appreciation and respect for regional, country, and cultural differences - known as cultural diversity.
Learning the skills of proper etiquette, manners, and intercultural communication contained in these pages of the International Business Etiquette and Manners website will give you a wealth of information and resources that you can immediately apply during your international business travels and overseas assignments. In fact, you may want to print a copy to review during your next international flight.
This Site is recommended and used by college professors to teach their business school students the importance of understanding the uniqueness of cultures around the world and how to apply the skills of proper business etiquette and manners to become more successful. Geert Hofstede's work on cultural dimensions has been integrated into each Country's page to help students better understand underlying cultural differences.
Despite what many people believe -- or the behavior they exhibit -- there still are those who believe business etiquette is something that never goes out of style.
In fact, in a study conducted by etiquette consultants Eticon Inc., 80 percent of the respondents reported an increase of rudeness in business.
When they encounter rudeness, 58 percent of the people surveyed said they will take their business elsewhere.
"Rude behavior ruins business," said Ann Humphries, Eticon president.
"Good manners and civility is not a `soft skill' relegated to the `nice but not necessary' category," continued Humphries, "but rather it becomes a fundamental strategy in a business's ability to perform, compete and profit."
These all seem like simple things — e-mail has been a part of my life now for a good decade and a half, but surprisingly enough, many professionals don't quite have a grasp of etiquette guidelines for the office. The result? Companies are increasingly bringing in outside firms to host seminars on proper business behavior much like you'd send your kids off to a coach to learn proper table manners.
"Companies don't necessarily want to assume the roles of being professional parents, and often times these topics are too close for comfort," said Ann Marie Sabath, president of At Ease, Inc, who has over the past 20 years trained some 90,000 businessfolk. "Fortune 500 and 100 companies often hire people with high IQs, but they want to confirm that their sociability factors are up to their standards."
Remember that you are always on stage. At any given moment you may encounter that sought-after client or potential employer. Always be prepared to look and sound your best.
Know that people will look at your face and neck first. Good grooming is essential. Don't put off that haircut another week just to save money. It may end up costing you more.
People will glance at your feet next. Make sure that your shoes are well maintained and appropriate. Poorly kept shoes may signal a lack of attention to detail on the job.
Focus on the other person. Use the person's name immediately in conversation.
Watch the e-mail. When you e-mail your friends, chances are you do it informally — not worrying about abbreviations, misspellings and rough grammar. That won't fly at work. "Some of the biggest mistakes people make in the workplace involve e-mail," said Jacqueline Whitmore, an etiquette expert and author of "Business Class: Etiquette Essentials for Success at Work" (St. Martin's Press, 2005).
At the very least, you should spell check your message before you hit send. Most e-mail programs will automatically point out errors for you and scan it to make sure it reads clearly. But when dealing with clients, you also want to format an e-mail as you would a business letter, Whitmore advised, and keep in mind that your messages aren't private. Last, make sure you do reply in a timely manner -- and that goes for those messages piling up in your voicemail box, too.
Don't settle for being on time be early. According to Sabath, if you're the one benefiting from a meeting (the one receiving a paycheck, a shot at a job or promotion, etc) you should be 15 minutes early.
That'll give you on time to get through security, if there is any, stop in the restroom and gather your thoughts. Leave non-essentials, like coffee or any heavy bags or purses, in the car or at your desk to create a neat, pulled together appearance. Be prepared and well versed in the topics that are going to be discussed, and try to formulate your own input ahead of time. One caveat: A five-minute lead time is sufficient if it's a one-on-one meeting with your boss, because you don't want to give the impression that you don't have enough work to do.

May 4, 2012

Additional Considerations For Developing Efficient Business Teamwork

Business Teamwork
Work needs to be delegated when it comes to business teamwork. If work is not delegated to specific people, issues are then most likely created with multiple people working on the same thing. Tasks should be assigned to employees based on their strong points and skill sets. This will ensure each person is motivated because the work they are assigned is something they are good at. Delegation needs to be done with a leader who can recognize the skills and abilities of each team member.

Effective communication must be used with business teamwork. Everyone needs to know what is going on throughout the entire project plan. It is important to agree the method of communication that will take place to keep everyone informed and in the loop. You might choose email or phone conferences. Whichever your communication method is, be sure everyone agrees with it and they are happy with the decision.

A timeline needs to be laid out at the beginning of business teamwork when starting a project. Everyone needs to know specific deadlines that pertain to them and when they need to have their tasks accomplished. This sets goals in place for people to work toward and it gives each person a focus. If there is not an end date in site, then employees tend to slack. You might even consider moving the deadlines up a bit to see if you can get employees to speed up their work. This allows for more efficiency and ending a project not only on time but before the deadline.

Business Teamwork provides a way for organizations to encourage members to work collaboratively towards a collective goal. Building credibility, trust, and respect with other individuals in the organization develops the expertise of the team and leads to the successful completion of organizational goals. Although not every member of the partnership must work on every organizational challenge, it is important that all members are informed of the expected end result and have a sense of involvement in the entirety of the project.

Creating an effective team is a more intricate process than simply selecting potential team members, creating a lineup, and delegating tasks. It is important to acknowledge that merely motivating a group of people to engage in a specific task does not reflect Business Teamwork. The method has to be structured in order to ensure that individual members are embracing the concept of a team in an effort to enhance productivity in the organization. Apart from giving members control over certain work procedures, there are additional considerations for developing efficient Business Teamwork.

Define roles and articulate directions clearly. It is imperatively required to identify the function and responsibility of every individual in an organization. By creating a list of organizational roles, all team members are aware of their personal and group accountability, thus promoting efficient Business Teamwork. Well-defined roles and clear expectations encourage members to interact with others and contribute in improving the organization's competence in order to meet tough challenges and survive in a competitive industry.

Emphasize the importance of credible and efficient leadership. An effective leadership is necessary in building a motivating and inspiring work environment. A credible team leader does not only understand personal roles and responsibilities but also initiates decision-making, appreciates contributions of team members, and protects individuals and teams from discriminatory actions and circumstances so that they feel secured and respected. A good leader is necessary, and choosing this person is very crucial to the success of the entire team. Some people are born with the qualities of a natural leader. Others need to undergo training in order to gain the leadership skills necessary for success.

Establish and maintain open lines of effective communication. In the process of facilitating good Business Teamwork, make sure that there is open communication. Teams are composed of individuals who possess different sets of principles. Relationships among individuals have a colossal effect on self-esteem and productivity. Understanding other's perspective and proactively gathering feedbacks can help develop a sense of belonging and promote solidarity among team members.