Nov 14, 2011

Opportunities For Business Friendship

  to Met By Chance, where opportunities for business, friendship, and romance meet unforgettable, even life changing, experiences.
  At Met By Chance, we believe the best connections are those that happen organically.
  But in today’s fast-paced, technology-driven world, creating meaningful connections isn’t always easy. Sustaining them can be even harder.
  That's why we make it our business to organize opportunities in which our members can focus on what’s truly important: time together well spent. Here, intimate environments, exciting activities, and diverse groups of people are bridged together with a splash of technology to connect potential business partners, lifelong friends, even soul mates.
  Simply put, Met By Chance makes the experience of meeting others fun, effortless and, most importantly, memorable. The rest is up to you ...
  Join us for experiences of a lifetime ~

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