Sep 25, 2011

Etiquette On Business E-mails

Businesses are being swamped with email to such an extent that productivity is being affected.A lot can be done to avoid propagating email stress and corporate spam by observing the following points:
- avoid sending an email unless it is absolutely necessary
- avoid sending copies or forwarding emails to persons not directly involved in the subject matter
- if you must forward an email, delete the parts that are irrelevant to the recipient
- think carefully before you decide to click "reply to all"
- do not request a delivery receipt or that the email has been read unless such information is vital
- if you reply just to say "thanks" you are contributing to corporate spam. It's courteous, but is it necessary?
- use the Subject field to concisely and accurately describe the contents
- avoid ambiguity to stop a further exchange of emails seeking clarification
- keep the contents clear and to the point
- does your email really require a reply? If not just end with NRN (no reply necessary)

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