Sep 15, 2015
3 Tips for Not Letting Your Career Outdated
We’ve never been good at predicting the nitty gritty of the job market (who could have thought of the term community manager 20 years ago?). But we are pretty good at predicting mega-trends (for example, 20 years ago we knew we’d all be working with computers by 2015).
So what’s the mega-trend for 2030? Robots. They’ll be doing your job. But it’s not all bad news. For one thing, robots might be an improvement; we already know robots are better managers than people, and they will probably be better at plenty of other tasks as well.
A growing workforce of robots leaves people only the most interesting jobs. Those jobs will require people who are cross-disciplinary thinkers and do not need a clear path. For example, dismantlers will be in demand—for dismantling things like healthcare, universities, and the tax code.
Here are ways to start shifting your thinking so you can survive the workforce competition robots will bring.
1. Downplay networking skills.
The Internet democratizes information that used to be under lock and key. It used to be that if you wanted to get access to cutting-edge ideas in technology, you needed an invitation to an exclusive conference like TED, or to attend a university like MIT. Today, TED lectures and MIT courses are available free online. Your access to knowledge only used to be limited by the scope of your network.
In the coming years, Auren Hoffman predicts that who you know will be much less important than what you know. Because you have access to all information—you don’t need to know the gatekeepers. But when you have specialized, deep knowledge, people will seek you out.
2. Seek the deep knowledge that one has to dig to uncover.
But you do need to understand information in terms of fluid intelligence, which is the ability to manipulate information to solve problems and generate ideas.
If you use technology to replace cognitive skills—like, typing into google 6×120= instead of doing it in your head—then technology might actually make you dumber. But if you use technology to make yourself do challenging, difficult things, then you enhance your fluid intelligence.
This is why hard-core gamers do better in adult life than casual gamers. And it’s also why you are better off obsessing over beating a very complicated game than you are reading random articles on Wikipedia, even if they are related to history, sociology, anthropology, or other serious fields. In his book Curious, Ian Leslie argues that we need to cultivate “epistemic curiosity”—not a scattered quest for novelty, but a focused, disciplined commitment to mastering new terrain.
3. Focus on multidisciplinary thinking.
The most significant job growth over the next decade is in big data. We have a lot of data but someone needs to make sense of it. Actually a lot of people need to make sense of it. And there’s a huge shortage of these people. To understand the future of work, you need to understand well what a job like this requires: managing data from disparate sources and drawing new conclusions.
Fast Company explains that this type of thinking is extremely creative: “Your most creative insights are almost always the result of taking an idea that works in one domain and applying it to another.” And this type of thinking feeds on itself: creative thinking begets more creative thinking.
Sep 4, 2015
Women Might Be Better Off Not Negotiating
In a survey of graduating professional students, Linda Babcock, of Carnegie Mellon University, found that only seven per cent of women attempted to negotiate their initial offers, while fifty-seven per cent of the men did so. After years of analysis, she concludes that women might, in fact, be better off not negotiating.
Babcock is not the only person to draw this conclusion. Here’s why:
1. Women are often penalized for negotiating.
Men are rewarded for negotiating because doing so makes them seem tough and self-confident. But women are considered brash and annoying when they negotiate. The New Yorker reports how “Women who don’t negotiate may not be refraining because they are shy. They may, instead, be anticipating very real attitudes and very real reactions that are borne out, time and again, in the lab and in the office.” Often, negotiating has an even worse effect than saying nothing.
Most people are hired and fired based on the elusive cultural fit, which mostly means they can become part of the boys club, especially at higher levels. Women need to pass that test just to get an offer and they need to toe the line to keep from getting fired. Not negotiating is often an effective part of that strategy.
2. Women don’t get as excited about winning.
In competition, both men and women have a rise in testosterone. But whereas men see another rise when they win, testosterone levels in women don’t change whether they win or lose. For women, then, the process is more important than the success, according to Marvin Zuckerman, professor of psychology at University of Delaware.
Taking Sex Differences Seriously is a compendium of this type of research. Over and over again—in tennis, in trading, in management, and so on—hormonal differences are crucial to understanding why men negotiate and women don’t. Women have ten percent of the testosterone that men do, but women have high levels of oxytocin and estrogen which make women peacemakers and collaborators rather than dominators and competitors.
You can’t make a woman get excited about something her brain chemically does not care about. If it were life or death then maybe women could take testosterone (which has been shown to increase competitiveness in women). But surely hormone therapy doesn’t seem appropriate merely for salary negotations.
3. Learning scripts works better for women than negotiating.
Chris Voss spent decades as a hostage negotiator for the FBI, and he’s got some negotiating advice for civilians.
If someone says, “Let’s revisit your salary in three months.”
You say, “How am I supposed to do that?”
They will realize it’s an impossible thing for you to do.
If someone says, “It’s not a good time,” or “We don’t have the budget.”
You say, “It seems like there’s nothing you can do.”
People don’t like feeling powerless, so they might think of an alternative to demonstrate their power.
The most important script for women is probably the one that avoids having to give salary history. This is so important the the US Department of Labor is considering making it illegal to ask salary history because it serves to perpetuate salary differentiations between men and women.
For example, often women make lifestyle choices and take lower pay. But if you take a lower salary for a few years so you can have room to take care of your family, you should not have to reveal that salary when you’re ready to ramp up your career later.
So you need to learn a slew of scripts to get you out of any tough spot and keep negotiations going in your favor. Even if negotiations are dead, it should be because you chose to end them.
4. A more sure bet for a good salary is to work for a man with a daughter.
When male CEOs have kids, women benefit, according to a paper presented at the American Economics Association. When the first born is a girl, both men’s and women’s salaries improve, but women’s increase more. When the first born is a boy, overall salaries decrease, but only men’s actually reduce while women’s salaries improve, albeit slightly.
Or you could just play the salary statistics game. Keep your maiden name, because women who keep their maiden name get higher salaries. You’ll earn 14% more salary if you drink alcohol. And keep your chin up when the company starts to fail. You’ll be a likely candidate for your boss’ job because women get promoted when the organization is already going to hell.
Aug 19, 2015
Best Jobs for Expats and Travelers
"The world is a book, and those who don't travel read only a page," said Saint Augustine.
Americans take this advice to heart. They love to travel so much that they clock in more than 80 million trips abroad every year, and an estimated 8.7 million of Americans live overseas.
But if you're worried you can't indulge your travel bug and still make bank, consider these three best jobs for expats and travelers.
1. Teacher
Back in 2002, I had just completed my bachelor's degree at the University of Alberta (go Bears!) in Canada, and, like many of my fellow graduates, I was hunting for a job. You'd be surprised at the very high demand for graduates from Canadian and American colleges to teach abroad. If your dream is to live in a country for at least a year, then becoming a teacher at a foreign high school, English-language center, or university is a great way to make that dream a reality.
Here are three programs to consider.
JET Program
U.S. citizens with at least a bachelor's degree from an accredited university before July 1st of the departure year can apply to become an Assistant Language Teacher teaching English at various grade levels throughout Japan.
Prepa Tec
One of the largest education systems in Mexico is the Tecnologico de Monterrey. Their high school system (better known as Prepa Tec) recruits recent graduates from universities from several countries to teach a wide variety of courses, including English, Mathematics, Science, and Political Science.
2. Online Tutor
If a nine to five schedule or salary in local currency doesn't sound appealing to you, then take advantage of the internet and tutor students back in the U.S. using tools such as Skype, Adobe Connect, or FaceTime (and get paid in U.S. dollars). Additionally, depending on the length of your stay in various countries, tutoring lets you skip the entire work visa process.
There are several sites that allow you to find students interested in online tutoring.
Expert tutors can connect with students across the U.S. to schedule online lessons. From GMAT prep to Algebra to French, your subject of choice is available at WyzAnt.
Should you give up career for kids?
I think I spent the last decade deciding if it’s okay to give up my career for my kids.
I am not splitting hairs any more. I am not writing as if I don’t have kids. I am not writing as if I’m in a permanent identity crisis. I’m not writing screaming tirades to defend myself.
Instead, I am choosing peace. Finally. I am settling into the reality that I work relatively few hours a day. I can’t work with other people because my work hours are too erratic. And my earning power, just like the research says, probably topped out at age 40.
So here are things I think about now. Because there is a lot of extra space now that I admit there is no struggle. The deed is done.
Jul 27, 2015
Sneaky Investment Fees to Watch For
Everybody is looking for the next hot stock or mutual fund.
But we should be paying closer attention to the fees of the investments that we already own. For example, nine in 10 Americans underestimate the fees of their 401 (k) plans. This means that many of us are paying too much for our investments and undermining our financial goals.
To keep your investments on target, take notice of these four investment fees.
1. Front-End Load
A front-end load is a sales charge on purchases that effectively reduces your investment. This investment fee is a commission or sales charge applied at the time of your initial purchase of an investment, such as a mutual fund or insurance policy. Financial planners, investment advisors, and other types of investment intermediaries are the main beneficiaries of front-end loads.
Let's assume that you want to invest $ 5,000 into a mutual fund with a 5% front-end load. That would mean that $ 250 would go to middlemen and only $ 4,750 of your original investment actually lands in the mutual fund.
Some mutual fund managers claim that the front-end load is necessary to cover the extra services offered in a load fund. However, a study showed that mutual funds without front-end loads significantly outperformed those with front-end loads during the turbulent financial period of 2000 to 2002.
Still, some novice investors may still profit from the additional benefits that come from a load fund. Just make sure that you do not pay more than you have to.
▪ According to FINRA Conduct Rule 2830, a front-end load can not exceed 8.5% of your investment.
▪ If a mutual fund charges a front-end load of 8.5%, then it must offer a breakpoint schedule, rights of accumulation, and reinvestment of dividends and capital gains at net asset value.
▪ Most 401 (k) plans allow you to waive the front-end load of a mutual fund.
2. "Breakpoint" Cost
There is no specific breakpoint cost. Think of this investment fee as the extra money that you're paying to your investment manager by failing to meet a required investment level to obtain a reduced fee. For example, if you were to invest just $ 2,000 you would pay a 6% sales charge to invest in A-shares of a mutual fund, but if you were to invest $ 50,000 you would pay a lower 4.75% sales charge for the same share.
While diversification is a useful tool to minimize investment risk, too much diversification within the same mutual fund may be increasing your investment expenses.
▪ The larger your investment, the lower your applicable fees. By having $ 100,000 in investable assets within the same mutual fund family, you can often get some breaks on investment fees.
▪ Immediate family members investing in the same mutual fund company can pool their individual accounts to qualify for lower costs.
▪ When you meet pre-determined total purchase thresholds, certain mutual funds provide rights of accumulation, which qualify you for a reduced sales charge for any additional purchases.
▪ Some mutual funds may allow you to still qualify for a breakpoint benefit when you sign a letter of intent to meet purchase thresholds within a mutually agreed time frame.
3. Operating Expense
Large companies have more leverage than small ones in driving down the operational costs of a 401 (k) plan. That's why large companies are able to pick up the operating expense tab on behalf of their employees.
On the other hand, employees participating in the 401 (k) of small businesses may be forking out the cash to cover that expense. To determine whether you're paying for your plan's operating expenses, you can check with the manager of your 401 (k) plan. Another option is to find how much you're paying for your plan's operating expense by yourself:
▪ Grab a copy of your plan's summary annual report;
▪ Go to the "Basic financial statement" section;
▪ Subtract the amount of benefits paid from the total plan expense;
▪ Divide the amount from step # 3 by the total value of the plan; and
Take the percentage from step # 4 and multiply it by your total account balance.
If the amount that you're paying seems too high, you have a valid case for asking your employer to consider lower-cost options. When it comes to 401 (k) plans, small business owners are receptive to reasonable requests from their employees. A survey found that 32% of small business owners consider requests to switch 401 (k) providers, and 30% of those business owners choose lower-cost investment options within a plan.
Jul 23, 2015
How to Get Through a Tough Financial Emergency
We're all forced to deal with financial and other emergencies from time to time. It's not fun to think about, and we usually put off planning for it until it's too late. My husband and I recently experienced a family medical emergency and encountered a tough situation. We're both self-employed so this made everything even more financially stressful.
We quickly learned that we were not prepared to weather a financial emergency, but we have since begun taking steps to prepare. Here's how to get through a tough financial time without losing everything, and keeping your sanity and confidence intact.
1. Keep Things in Perspective
When you're going through a tough financial time it's important to stay positive and know that things will get better. Give yourself time to be frustrated, cry, scream, and then remain hopeful that the situation can only improve.
Hope is the motivating force that will keep you in the right mindset, so you can successfully handle this situation. Focus on the positives and view each day as a new chance to make everything better.
2. Surround Yourself With Positive Support
One of the best ways to keep a positive approach to life when you're having a tough time is to surround yourself with a supportive community. When you're struggling, you can reach out to your supporters for guidance and advice. They can also help you keep the situation in perspective, so it doesn't get blown out of proportion.
Make sure your positive group of supporters are people you can trust and who have your back no matter what. Community organizations, religious groups or churches, and other social support mechanisms can also lend a financial hand during difficulties. Map out the community resources you can rely on to help you during lean times.
3. Create an Emergency Backup Plan
The best way to conquer an emergency situation is to have a backup emergency plan in place. In case you don't have one already, now's the perfect time to create it.
What's your process for an emergency situation? Will you rely on savings, take out a loan, or get a second job? Do you understand the exact resources at your disposal? By understanding the options available, you can more readily navigate a financial emergency.
You should set goals because striving to meet a goal makes you happier. This is because a goal gives us structure and purpose, but also once you set a goal, your brain feels like you have already attained that goal. (This explains the euphoria we feel when we decide to “start a diet.”)
1. Our brain thinks we are finished before we start.
We need to be very careful setting goals. Our brain is hard-wired to get very upset when we lose something we already have, so we get upset when we don’t actually reach the goal. And, the bigger the potential for positive growth a goal has, the more anxiety and stress your brain is going to create around its non-achievement.
I have this process from setting yoga goals. Over the past five years I have become anxiety-riddled over the calming effect of yoga.
2. Goals are really about process – the results are ancillary.
To reach a goal you have to separate it into small steps. I did that before I had kids. I had a goal of going to a class. Then going to a specific class. Then paying for private lessons to get good. Then practicing every day.
Then I had kids, and predictably, things went to hell. I tried hiring a babysitter to do yoga (too expensive). I tried bringing my baby to yoga (in NYC the hard-core Ashtanga studios are okay with this. Probably because no parent can handle it for more than a few times.) And I tried doing yoga on my own, at home.
Jun 30, 2015
What would you do if you were a millionaire?
I’d have a Pilates teacher and a yoga teacher live in houses on the farm and they’d give me a lesson each day. Otherwise I don’t think I’d change anything. Oh. Hire a gardener. And a cleaning person to come every day.
What keeps you from doing that now?
The gardener and cleaning person are pretty cheap. You could hire them if you stopped buying stuff on eBay. And you can do Pilates and yoga on your own, with a little bit a self-discipline.
What I’m trying to get myself to see is that really, the millionaire money only buys the illusion of self-discipline — to do yoga and Pilates every day, and to not have to stop myself from buying stuff on eBay each day.
Then I think I’ll google self-discipline to see what other people are saying. Because every time I write about self-discipline I get to the same conclusion: It’s a muscle you have to exercise and I am too tired to exercise it. And also, give me a break: I homeschool, I work full-time, and I have a garden the size of a small estate. Who has more self-discipline? I’d have to give something up. And I don’t want to. Because, fine, because I’m a brat. So I need something new to say about self-discipline.
On Reddit there’s a great discussion about self-discipline. I’m a little put off by the person whose handle is shutuppussy. But I tell myself that person has a whiny cat and I keep reading.
The discussion is about whether it’s important to develop self-discipline or can you just force yourself? Like, if I pay someone to stand over me while I do Pilates each day, then do I have self-discipline? Probably not. But I do have great posture.
I am not a millionare, now follow me to check these Creative Ways to Save Money on Food
1. Buy Unconventional Cuts of Meat
You can make some very delicious and nutritious recipes on the cheap if you opt for meat options that make most people think twice. For instance, oxtail is a very tasty cut that is just as it is described — it's the tail of the cattle. Many high-end restaurants will serve oxtail, often braised in red wine, but most supermarkets won't even bother putting it out on display. Ask the butcher if he or she has any; they'll give you an insanely good deal on it. Other cuts worth investigating including tripe, liver, kidneys, hearts, tongue, chicken feet, and even brains. And if you're a fish lover, try fish heads. They provide great flavors for soups and stews.
2. Become a Suburban Farmer
You do not need to have a farm the size of Old MacDonald's to take advantage of homegrown fruits and vegetables; you can even start with a window box. But when I considered how much water and fertilizer the lawn was using (here in Colorado in the summer, it gets very dry), I thought there would be a better use for those resources. It does not take a lot of time, money, or effort to convert some of your garden into an area for growing herbs, vegetables, and fruits. If you check your local regulations, you may even be able to keep chickens, goats, or other farm animals. Goats are natural lawn mowers, and provide milk that you can use to make delicious cheese.
3. Use ALL of the Chicken
When I used to buy a chicken or turkey, I would strip away the meat from the bones and throw away the carcass. I never thought about using the bones. But, I found out that not only are the bones good for stock (I had always bought it in cans or boxes), but the actual bones can be used in your own vegetable garden (see above). Once the bones have been used for your stock, put them in the microwave for about three minutes to dry them out. Then, crush them in a pestle and mortar (or improvise your own) and add in some eggshells and calcium. Then, sprinkle on your garden. Not one piece of that chicken carcass goes to waste.
What keeps you from doing that now?
The gardener and cleaning person are pretty cheap. You could hire them if you stopped buying stuff on eBay. And you can do Pilates and yoga on your own, with a little bit a self-discipline.
What I’m trying to get myself to see is that really, the millionaire money only buys the illusion of self-discipline — to do yoga and Pilates every day, and to not have to stop myself from buying stuff on eBay each day.
Then I think I’ll google self-discipline to see what other people are saying. Because every time I write about self-discipline I get to the same conclusion: It’s a muscle you have to exercise and I am too tired to exercise it. And also, give me a break: I homeschool, I work full-time, and I have a garden the size of a small estate. Who has more self-discipline? I’d have to give something up. And I don’t want to. Because, fine, because I’m a brat. So I need something new to say about self-discipline.
On Reddit there’s a great discussion about self-discipline. I’m a little put off by the person whose handle is shutuppussy. But I tell myself that person has a whiny cat and I keep reading.
The discussion is about whether it’s important to develop self-discipline or can you just force yourself? Like, if I pay someone to stand over me while I do Pilates each day, then do I have self-discipline? Probably not. But I do have great posture.
I am not a millionare, now follow me to check these Creative Ways to Save Money on Food
1. Buy Unconventional Cuts of Meat
You can make some very delicious and nutritious recipes on the cheap if you opt for meat options that make most people think twice. For instance, oxtail is a very tasty cut that is just as it is described — it's the tail of the cattle. Many high-end restaurants will serve oxtail, often braised in red wine, but most supermarkets won't even bother putting it out on display. Ask the butcher if he or she has any; they'll give you an insanely good deal on it. Other cuts worth investigating including tripe, liver, kidneys, hearts, tongue, chicken feet, and even brains. And if you're a fish lover, try fish heads. They provide great flavors for soups and stews.
2. Become a Suburban Farmer
You do not need to have a farm the size of Old MacDonald's to take advantage of homegrown fruits and vegetables; you can even start with a window box. But when I considered how much water and fertilizer the lawn was using (here in Colorado in the summer, it gets very dry), I thought there would be a better use for those resources. It does not take a lot of time, money, or effort to convert some of your garden into an area for growing herbs, vegetables, and fruits. If you check your local regulations, you may even be able to keep chickens, goats, or other farm animals. Goats are natural lawn mowers, and provide milk that you can use to make delicious cheese.
3. Use ALL of the Chicken
When I used to buy a chicken or turkey, I would strip away the meat from the bones and throw away the carcass. I never thought about using the bones. But, I found out that not only are the bones good for stock (I had always bought it in cans or boxes), but the actual bones can be used in your own vegetable garden (see above). Once the bones have been used for your stock, put them in the microwave for about three minutes to dry them out. Then, crush them in a pestle and mortar (or improvise your own) and add in some eggshells and calcium. Then, sprinkle on your garden. Not one piece of that chicken carcass goes to waste.
Apr 6, 2015
Technology was absent from the leaders' debate – but it is key to the UK's success
Last night’s election leaders’ debate was notable for the almost complete
absence of technology, bar a hesitant reference to “IT” from Ed Miliband. Not
one of the seven candidates spoke about technology as an enabler, as a tool that
offers us the capability to completely revitalise our economy.

Instead, each debater focused on the small picture, rather than looking outwards to the massive technology-enabled social and economic changes happening globally.
Where was the leadership? Where was the inspiration? Where was the “yes we can” moment? And why was there no talk of the massive digital revolution happening right now, which offers us so many opportunities to solve or alleviate many of our country’s problems?
The UK has a great tradition of creativity, invention and technology from the industrial revolution to the code breakers of Bletchley Park, to ARM, the BBC Micro and the Raspberry Pi.
We are now competing in a global marketplace, in a world that is increasingly driven by technology. The UK should be leading the world with a strong, tech-savvy, tech-enabled workforce, ready to make the most of the huge opportunities a global marketplace opens up. We should be in pole position. Are we? Are we bugger.
Our schools have only just started teaching computer science properly, and the majority of UK adults have almost no practical tech education at all, which harms our future economic success and competitiveness as a nation. Which political party is taking a lead on ensuring that as a country we are ready with 21st century tech skills?
Last night I saw “pale, stale and male” middle-class white men from privileged backgrounds, all focused on either getting into or staying in power. The only candidates to mention cooperation and collaboration were female — the Green Party’s Natalie Bennett and Nicola Sturgeon of the Scottish National Party. Organisations across the UK, including government, education and the NHS, need to collaborate more effectively in order to solve problems more swiftly, and tech can help to facilitate this.
For too long we have had a political system built around competition and short termism. If we want our country to be successful we need more focus on cooperation and collaboration, both nationally and globally. In these areas technology is a great enabler.
Today’s politicians simply do not seem to grasp the positive impact tech could have to the nation’s economy, if we can educate the workforce to understand it. From virtual assistants to web designers, and executive coaches to Etsy’s knitters, technology enables entrepreneurs to go global.
The World Economic Review for 2014 ranked the UK just ninth in the world for networked readiness, or having a workforce that is able to use technology. This puts us behind the US, Singapore, Hong Kong, the Netherlands and the Scandinavian countries. At first glance, ninth may not seem all that bad. But things move fast in the tech world and governments that prioritise tech education for adults as well as school children will have the clear advantage.
The candidates last night spoke of the NHS, the economy, jobs, full employment, debts, zero-hours contracts, legislation, public sector contracts and security for working families. These are all important, of course, but what was missing was anything truly inspiring and with a real sense of optimism. One candidate did at least speak of a pride in our nation, and mentioned the global economy. What a shame that was Nigel Farage...
Farage might pay lip service to engaging with the world at large, but stricter immigration policies would do the UK tech industry and the economy in general no good at all.
A recent House of Lords Science and Technology Committee report published in 2014 claims that an “unwelcoming UK” has already led to an “unprecedented fall” in Stem student numbers. Keeping people out of our country means missing opportunities to share skills, to enhance knowledge and develop global networks, all of which are important in the modern workplace.
In the UK we have a rich heritage in technology and engineering that should give us the confidence for leadership at a global level, setting the pace and inspiring other nations to follow our great example – not focusing on how many foreigners there are in the UK. It’s embarrassing. How did we end up here?
Now is the time for a new inspiring vision of the future, from a leader who can not only lead but who is not afraid to connect and collaborate. A leader who understands and can leverage the massive opportunities available, someone that our innovative, inventive and creative population can believe in. We need a leader who understands the capabilities inherent in modern technology and has the ability to use them to solve our problems. We need that leader now.
Where is she?

Instead, each debater focused on the small picture, rather than looking outwards to the massive technology-enabled social and economic changes happening globally.
Where was the leadership? Where was the inspiration? Where was the “yes we can” moment? And why was there no talk of the massive digital revolution happening right now, which offers us so many opportunities to solve or alleviate many of our country’s problems?
The UK has a great tradition of creativity, invention and technology from the industrial revolution to the code breakers of Bletchley Park, to ARM, the BBC Micro and the Raspberry Pi.
We are now competing in a global marketplace, in a world that is increasingly driven by technology. The UK should be leading the world with a strong, tech-savvy, tech-enabled workforce, ready to make the most of the huge opportunities a global marketplace opens up. We should be in pole position. Are we? Are we bugger.
Our schools have only just started teaching computer science properly, and the majority of UK adults have almost no practical tech education at all, which harms our future economic success and competitiveness as a nation. Which political party is taking a lead on ensuring that as a country we are ready with 21st century tech skills?
Last night I saw “pale, stale and male” middle-class white men from privileged backgrounds, all focused on either getting into or staying in power. The only candidates to mention cooperation and collaboration were female — the Green Party’s Natalie Bennett and Nicola Sturgeon of the Scottish National Party. Organisations across the UK, including government, education and the NHS, need to collaborate more effectively in order to solve problems more swiftly, and tech can help to facilitate this.
For too long we have had a political system built around competition and short termism. If we want our country to be successful we need more focus on cooperation and collaboration, both nationally and globally. In these areas technology is a great enabler.
Today’s politicians simply do not seem to grasp the positive impact tech could have to the nation’s economy, if we can educate the workforce to understand it. From virtual assistants to web designers, and executive coaches to Etsy’s knitters, technology enables entrepreneurs to go global.
The World Economic Review for 2014 ranked the UK just ninth in the world for networked readiness, or having a workforce that is able to use technology. This puts us behind the US, Singapore, Hong Kong, the Netherlands and the Scandinavian countries. At first glance, ninth may not seem all that bad. But things move fast in the tech world and governments that prioritise tech education for adults as well as school children will have the clear advantage.
The candidates last night spoke of the NHS, the economy, jobs, full employment, debts, zero-hours contracts, legislation, public sector contracts and security for working families. These are all important, of course, but what was missing was anything truly inspiring and with a real sense of optimism. One candidate did at least speak of a pride in our nation, and mentioned the global economy. What a shame that was Nigel Farage...
Farage might pay lip service to engaging with the world at large, but stricter immigration policies would do the UK tech industry and the economy in general no good at all.
A recent House of Lords Science and Technology Committee report published in 2014 claims that an “unwelcoming UK” has already led to an “unprecedented fall” in Stem student numbers. Keeping people out of our country means missing opportunities to share skills, to enhance knowledge and develop global networks, all of which are important in the modern workplace.
In the UK we have a rich heritage in technology and engineering that should give us the confidence for leadership at a global level, setting the pace and inspiring other nations to follow our great example – not focusing on how many foreigners there are in the UK. It’s embarrassing. How did we end up here?
Now is the time for a new inspiring vision of the future, from a leader who can not only lead but who is not afraid to connect and collaborate. A leader who understands and can leverage the massive opportunities available, someone that our innovative, inventive and creative population can believe in. We need a leader who understands the capabilities inherent in modern technology and has the ability to use them to solve our problems. We need that leader now.
Where is she?
Mar 9, 2015
Clinton benefitted from email double-standard, says former US ambassador
A former ambassador to Kenya who was fired when Hillary Clinton was in charge
of the State Department on Sunday accused Clinton of benefitting from a
double-standard when it came to using personal email for official business.
Scott Gration, a former air force general who flew hundreds of sorties over Iraq, spoke to CNN from Kenya about his disappointment at losing his “dream job” as ambassador, saying: “As I look back, it does seem a bit unfair.
“It does appear that there was a different standard that was used in my case and was used in hers,” Gration said.

Gration’s remarks came as the conversation over Clinton’s use of personal email while secretary of state expanded to pull in top senators, a former secretary of state and even Bill Clinton, Hillary’s husband.
“I’m not the one to judge that. I have an opinion, but I have a bias,” Bill Clinton said in remarks reported on CNN’s website. “I shouldn’t be making news on this.”
In remarks parallel to the former president’s, Senator Dianne Feinstein, a fellow Democrat, said Hillary Clinton “needs to step up and come out and say exactly what the situation was”, adding that from “this point on, the silence is going to hurt her”. From the opposite side of the political aisle, Senate majority leader Mitch McConnell said on CBS that he was “a little bit worried about the security of those emails. They could have been prime targets for a cyber-attack.”
Former secretary of state Colin Powell, speaking on ABC, said he had used a personal email account sparingly in the job, but that it wasn’t his main account and there had never been a request that he turn anything over.
“I did not keep a cache of them,” Powell told CBS. “I did not print them off.”
Clinton’s use of a personal email account while she led the State Department has drawn accusations of a failure of transparency. Clinton supporters have said she had nothing to hide and the practice was not unusual.
Clinton herself has remained silent, apart from tweeting: “I want the public to see my email. I asked State to release them. They said they will review them for release as soon as possible.”
The State Department has said Clinton turned over “55,000 pages” of emails for review. It is unknown how many emails Clinton held back, if any.
Gration, as head of the US embassy in Kenya, chafed at rules barring him from using his Google email account, according to an internal State report which listed his “lack of adherence” to the ban as one of multiple reasons for his firing.
“I wasn’t flouting [the rule] … but I did raise some serious questions about the use of commercial accounts, because I thought they were helpful to me in my duties as ambassador to Kenya,” Gration said.
The State report makes it clear that Gration’s personal email was one small piece of larger problems with his leadership of the Nairobi embassy. The report also called Gration “divisive and ineffective” and said: “The ambassador has lost the respect and confidence of the staff to lead the mission.”
On Sunday, Gration’s displeasure at losing his job three years ago was palpable.
“For me this was a dream job,” he said. “It was a job where I felt I was making a significant difference … and to have that be terminated over some allegations that at the end were proven to be false … and to see this dream job of mine come to an end was very disappointing to me.
“And to now find out that, in reality, other people in the department, including my supervisor, were doing things differently and looking the other way – that’s hard.
“I don’t think I did anything wrong. I can’t speak for Secretary Clinton.”
Scott Gration, a former air force general who flew hundreds of sorties over Iraq, spoke to CNN from Kenya about his disappointment at losing his “dream job” as ambassador, saying: “As I look back, it does seem a bit unfair.
“It does appear that there was a different standard that was used in my case and was used in hers,” Gration said.

Gration’s remarks came as the conversation over Clinton’s use of personal email while secretary of state expanded to pull in top senators, a former secretary of state and even Bill Clinton, Hillary’s husband.
“I’m not the one to judge that. I have an opinion, but I have a bias,” Bill Clinton said in remarks reported on CNN’s website. “I shouldn’t be making news on this.”
In remarks parallel to the former president’s, Senator Dianne Feinstein, a fellow Democrat, said Hillary Clinton “needs to step up and come out and say exactly what the situation was”, adding that from “this point on, the silence is going to hurt her”. From the opposite side of the political aisle, Senate majority leader Mitch McConnell said on CBS that he was “a little bit worried about the security of those emails. They could have been prime targets for a cyber-attack.”
Former secretary of state Colin Powell, speaking on ABC, said he had used a personal email account sparingly in the job, but that it wasn’t his main account and there had never been a request that he turn anything over.
“I did not keep a cache of them,” Powell told CBS. “I did not print them off.”
Clinton’s use of a personal email account while she led the State Department has drawn accusations of a failure of transparency. Clinton supporters have said she had nothing to hide and the practice was not unusual.
Clinton herself has remained silent, apart from tweeting: “I want the public to see my email. I asked State to release them. They said they will review them for release as soon as possible.”
The State Department has said Clinton turned over “55,000 pages” of emails for review. It is unknown how many emails Clinton held back, if any.
Gration, as head of the US embassy in Kenya, chafed at rules barring him from using his Google email account, according to an internal State report which listed his “lack of adherence” to the ban as one of multiple reasons for his firing.
“I wasn’t flouting [the rule] … but I did raise some serious questions about the use of commercial accounts, because I thought they were helpful to me in my duties as ambassador to Kenya,” Gration said.
The State report makes it clear that Gration’s personal email was one small piece of larger problems with his leadership of the Nairobi embassy. The report also called Gration “divisive and ineffective” and said: “The ambassador has lost the respect and confidence of the staff to lead the mission.”
On Sunday, Gration’s displeasure at losing his job three years ago was palpable.
“For me this was a dream job,” he said. “It was a job where I felt I was making a significant difference … and to have that be terminated over some allegations that at the end were proven to be false … and to see this dream job of mine come to an end was very disappointing to me.
“And to now find out that, in reality, other people in the department, including my supervisor, were doing things differently and looking the other way – that’s hard.
“I don’t think I did anything wrong. I can’t speak for Secretary Clinton.”
Feb 5, 2015
About The Cooperative Business
Naturally, achieving success is more like staying alive. It is as much about bonding with your good friends, neighbours, spouse and relations as it is about growing and reproducing. The Creator of nature had already set these natural models to demonstrate why cooperation is vital for our success. However, unlike other organisms, human beings should seek success through symbiotic cooperation where an atmosphere of peace and trust is created.
This alliance enables flowering plants to reproduce successfully. After being pollinated, flowers ceased producing food for the bee and other insects by losing their scent, drop their petal or change their orientation or color. To us this might look mischievous but it is said to be an act of courtesy to the bee and other insects that can now focused their efforts on other plants that are still open for business. It is paramount to take into consideration the benefits of such cooperation to others especially the consumers or end users. This is where and how true success through cooperation can be attained and sustained.
In sharp contrast, the Cooperative Business Model offers their Representatives the ability to purchase paying Customers that have seen Television Interviews and decided to become a Customer. But if a community of home gardeners formed a cooperative, agreed on what niche products to grow, and agreed to trade their excess products with each other, or even sell them through a cooperative market together. The result of this cooperation between bar owners resulted in the usually busy Town disco being empty, whilst faltering bars in the area saw their earnings increase three fold in one night.
Ten struggling specialist stores could compete against a large Global Supermarket on equal terms by forming a cooperative, but rarely alone. One fact that could see the growth in a reinvented idea of old, that may mean the difference between survival or closure for many smaller scale businesses. Recently, some scholars have gotten together and noted that the Olympic Games have not stopped humans from having wars, and while that may be true, we don't know for sure how many wars have been prevented due to the mutual benefit and coming together of humans across the planet in these Olympic Games over the years.
This alliance enables flowering plants to reproduce successfully. After being pollinated, flowers ceased producing food for the bee and other insects by losing their scent, drop their petal or change their orientation or color. To us this might look mischievous but it is said to be an act of courtesy to the bee and other insects that can now focused their efforts on other plants that are still open for business. It is paramount to take into consideration the benefits of such cooperation to others especially the consumers or end users. This is where and how true success through cooperation can be attained and sustained.
In sharp contrast, the Cooperative Business Model offers their Representatives the ability to purchase paying Customers that have seen Television Interviews and decided to become a Customer. But if a community of home gardeners formed a cooperative, agreed on what niche products to grow, and agreed to trade their excess products with each other, or even sell them through a cooperative market together. The result of this cooperation between bar owners resulted in the usually busy Town disco being empty, whilst faltering bars in the area saw their earnings increase three fold in one night.
Ten struggling specialist stores could compete against a large Global Supermarket on equal terms by forming a cooperative, but rarely alone. One fact that could see the growth in a reinvented idea of old, that may mean the difference between survival or closure for many smaller scale businesses. Recently, some scholars have gotten together and noted that the Olympic Games have not stopped humans from having wars, and while that may be true, we don't know for sure how many wars have been prevented due to the mutual benefit and coming together of humans across the planet in these Olympic Games over the years.
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