Apr 27, 2012

It's Well Worth The Time And Effort To Improve Your Business Communication Skills

Business Communication Skills
Otherwise, in case you are just an office employee who assumes responsibility of all inward and outward communications, you need to be equipped with sharp communication skills in order to discharge you job successfully. The business environment is so immense and dynamic that any laxity by you will consequentially push the clients to seek out other business firms.

Business communications are not exclusively restricted to utilizing office support systems like computers, telephones, fax machines, and such others. It also includes interacting with business partners and clients personally. Business communication skills therefore, should encompass expertise in both forms of communications - oral and written.

If you do not have proficiency in business communication abilities, there is no cause for concern, as there are scores of sources for refining these skills. These include books, leaflets, and even individual courses. So, you can select the best option that suits your needs in order to sharpen your business communication abilities.

A great deal of business communications takes place in the written form. There you need to be adept at writing reports, preparing proposals, wrapping up the staff study assigned to you, besides drafting a business letter addressed to a businessperson of another business establishment. Now, what needs to be borne in mind when composing a business communiqué? In the first instance, you need to be aware of the reason or issue to be dealt with in the missive, and thereafter you need to carefully compose the contents and draft the letter in order that the objective of communication is accomplished. Once you are done with this, you need to put your thoughts in order and note them down in a sequential order. While composing the draft, you should carefully weigh every single word that you use. Next comes editing. If any changes have to be incorporated in the draft, then you have to carry them out. This is followed by detailed editing once more, prior to dispatching the final draft. Business communications are official and proper and hence you should be equipped with the skills that will generate this kind of result.

Improving your business communication skills isn't easy, but I promise you it's well worth the time and effort. The results you will see in improved employee performance, morale, sales and more can't be overstated. Here are six tips to help you improve your business communication skills.
1. Practice makes perfect. Don't assume that if you try once or twice, you will get the desired results. Every day, every interaction, requires you to practice. Communication so an art and science that you can improve with conscientious effort. Watch for where you see improvements and what is still not working as well as you would like, and then make the adjustments.
2. Listen like you've never listened before. We all think we listen, but mostly we listen with filters, assumptions and judgments. Don't just hear the words; listen to what isn't being said and the meaning underneath the words. You'll be surprised at what you will learn. Think active listening. Recast what the person has said to convey that you are paying attention and may seek a resolution of the problem.
3. Critical conversations need the right environment. Any conversation that is important needs the right environment to ensure success. That includes the where...where is it going to take place; the how...on the phone or face-to-face; and the time...it can't be rushed. Even if you are the president and you are talking to the person lowest person on the organizational chart, turn off your phone and hold your calls. Noting dilutes the importance of a critical conversation more than texting or taking another call in the midst of it.
4. Ask more questions. Most of us don't ask enough questions; we assume we know or understand. Keep asking questions to drill down to the core issues of what is being said. No one wants to be viewed as dull by asking questions, but well framed questions will clarify what is said. Even if no specific question comes to mind, rephrasing the assignment or the speaker's point of view indicates you were listening and may bring you more helpful details.
5. It is not all about you. Even if you initiated the conversation, it's not all about you. The other person needs to believe they are heard, that they are important, that the relationship is a partnership...all the warm, fuzzy stuff that is critical to communication. Email and texting, two popular methods of communicating these days cut the frills, but a sincere "How are you" and an indication that you are actively listening will lead to better results. When in doubt, pick up the phone and have the conversation in person, especially if the subject is sensitive and subject to misinterpretation.
6. Pay attention. This means not thinking about your next meeting or what you need to do. It means totally being present to the conversation without your mind distracting you in a million different directions. And don't respond to emails while you are on the phone with someone! Studies show that people overestimate their ability to multi-task. Don't half participate in the conversation. If the timing isn't good for you to have a conversation when you have too many things going on, try to reschedule it.
Much of what doesn't work in organizations is directly or indirectly related to communications. I've written dozens of posts on this topic, which you can find here in my Incedo Group blog..

Apr 23, 2012

Business Intelligence Strategy Is A Seemingly Inconsequential Phenomenon

Business Intelligence
"Luminoso enterprises was a Human Resource management outsourcing firm. It had consistent growth. However, due to a sudden market shift, that the management did not predict in time, the firm's turnover started reducing. Soon, the workload reduced, leading to lesser work for each employee. This gave rise to retrenchment. As such, the existing employees started getting frustrated. Few resigned and the other's performances took a major hit. Slowly, within a span of 6 months, Luminoso enterprises needed to declare bankruptcy and shut down."

Where did Luminoso enterprises go wrong? They were not prepared for the coming market shift. What should they have done instead? They should have concentrated on developing better business intelligence strategies.

Business intelligence, per se, is information collected by a business in order to increase its understanding itself. A little odd? Why would a business want to understand itself? Well, the business needs to understand itself so that the business can perform better and can use its resources optimally.

So how does a business go about acquainting itself with itself? It generates a warehouse of information regarding its performance and policies in the past. This helps the business to perform better in the future. Like, in case of a certain market shift, the company can refer to its database and find out how it performed, the last time, a similar shift occurred. This may provide added support for the planning.

Online Analytical Processing basically stores all the information about the company. Then, it analyzes it and when a certain query is fed in to it, it provides as accurate an answer as possible. It can provide pure facts about the past and can make plausible predictions about the future. OLAP has been of massive help to organizations in times of sudden market inflations. It has also helped many organizations prepare for times of recession to a certain extent. The vital aspects of OLAP are, data mining, text mining, analytics and predictive analytics.

Business Performance Management
BPM is another extremely important strategy that almost all companies follow for BIS. BPM consists of a basic module. All the activities and policies of the company are based on this module. It is the foundation on the business framework and as such it is like the pillar of the business practices. BPM of the business is often responsible for a company's reputation. This is because, the BPM, ordinarily, remains constant for fairly long periods of time. It also helps the employees have a certain level of confidence and feeling of stability.

In this system, the cost, cycle time, productivity, or quality of a specific process or method is compared to that of another organization that is similar in industry and universally accepted as best practice standard. Like, any IT company would, probably, benchmark Microsoft. In case the disparity of scale is too high, proportional ratings can be used. It is more like having an ambition to perform like a certain "big brother" of the industry. In order to achieve that, you need to have certain practices that need to match it as well. Benchmarking is a concept that individuals use in all walks of life. Not a very difficult concept to follow, right?

Organizations have to basically depend on their own resources in order to sustain market changes and internal instabilities, if any. The main corporate social responsibility of any organization is employee compensation. As such, it is essential for it to have sustainable and consistent growth so that all the employees stay motivated enough to help any strategy of the organization to work well and to its capacity's fullest!

Apr 18, 2012

What Do Successful Businessmen Owe Their Success To

successful businessmen

Successful people take into the world of competition. As they have a lot of competitors in their field, they consider it as a motivation to strive harder and make their businesses as good or even better with their competing rivals. This quality is hard to sustain yet they manage to do it. Also, they are not dirty players of the game. They play it in a manner that they do not disrespect their co-businessmen. In short, they regard it as a healthy competition.

It takes a certain kind of man or woman to be successful in business finance. While many people attempt to run a successful business, not everyone can do so. If you are thinking of starting a business of your own, then this business finance article may come in handy. Today, we are going to talk about certain character traits that are more suited to the business finance world. Perhaps you can check if you also have what it takes to be successful in this field.

So how do most successful businessmen maintain all the balance that they need? How are they able to juggle everything and yet plans get materialized? A lot of people dread the thought of being a multi level marketing, but how are network based businessmen able to walk through the business successfully? There are various ways and there are only a number of them that have produced fruitful results. The following are two principles that have guided them - principles that have led all types of entrepreneurs through the years.

Businessmen succeed because they do not spend so much time putting the blame to every inconsistency and irregularity of the business. Rather, they define the problem, scrutinize it and find possible solutions for it. They try to examine what causes the inevitable failures and learn from this mistake. With this, they are able to think the problems over many times so that they do not commit the same mistake all over again. They handle grace under pressure when things go the way they don't want it. Failures are a part of success and without them; they will never define and distinguish success from failure.

Apr 8, 2012

Take Time To Learn The Skills Of Business Negotiation

Any business owner may find that they need to be good at negotiating to bring about progress. Very often business people have to deal with one or more other companies in order to achieve a goal. If they wish to expand, they may be looking for a new and bigger building, new employees, and possibly different zoning laws. They will look for the place that suits their needs best, or a place that can be developed nicely for what they need done. All of these tasks require good negotiation skills.

You can think of the art of negotiating as a combination of compromising with, motivating or encouraging others. You must attempt to sway the opinion of the opposing party to your side. There are a few ways of successful negotiation that work very often. One way is to stay as positive as possible. When people let emotions get in their way, they are often met with failure. There is no need, especially in business, to bring anything personal into the negotiations, no matter what they are about. Emotions and personal opinions should be set aside during all meetings, unless they are asked for.

The business industry is highly competitive nowadays. Entrepreneurs without good negotiating skills will never be successful. These skills win over conflicts and retain customer loyalty. Consumers today are looking for companies (and business owners) who can provide more than good products. Giving them the attention they need and winning their affection is the best thing you can do to grow your venture. Learn some effective business negotiation tips from an expert if your skills are lacking. Go online or look for a mentor. This is a must for any business proprietor. Take time to learn the skills of successful negotiation. They can be an asset both in the business world and in real life.

Always listen to what your clients have to say. Learn to decipher how to read between the lines in order to find out what they really need. It is safe to assume that all potential clients know their options and are doing their due research about your product or service vs. your competitors'. Review their point of view before you answer any questions. It would be a good idea to rephrase their statement before you revert back with a solution. Empathize, but do not compromise your standards. It is so true that 'customers are always right,' but only to a certain extent. You should meet half way to achieve a favorable outcome for both parties during any type of negotiation.

It is highly recommended to do your own research as a business owner before you commence negotiation. Having the facts available about both the positives and negatives of competing products or services can be a good way of securing a deal. You must avoid reaching a personal level during your negotiation. Rely on the information you gathered and optimize its use. Facts are born of actual transactions and not hearsay; therefore they provide more concrete evidence vs. verbal agreements.

Only focus on the major issues or the business at hand during negotiations. Control the flow of conversation. Never let past issues be brought up that might cause you to lose the deal. You must present more realistic solutions in positive note. Do not exaggerate or make guarantees. This will invite conflicts. It goes without saying that you should know better than to try and bribe or coerce a customer. Current consumers are very wise about their rights and responsibilities.

Be professional but candid. Do not bore your client with mundane facts. Add a little human factor in the conversation. Use a personal anecdote about the product or service that you know will resonate with the current customer.

Be sensitive with how the client is feeling at the moment. If irate, do not agitate. If they are trying to be feisty, stay calm. As an expert on this arena you should know better than to raise a tone or get frustrated with anyone for any reason..

An ultimatum or non-negotiable deadline is not option. You must try to resolve any issues that might come up in the least possible timeframe. Do not allow your client to feel frustrated. If they will not compromise, despite numerous altruistic attempts, close the deal. Note that you are running a business and are not begging for mercy.