Nov 30, 2011

.Don't BE Great, DO Great

It’s said that Abraham Lincoln often slipped out of the White House on Wednesday evenings to listen to the sermons of Dr. Finnes Gurley at New York Avenue Presbyterian Church. He generally preferred to come and go unnoticed. So when Dr. Gurley knew the president was coming, he left his study door open.
On one of those occasions, the president slipped through a side door in the church and took a seat in the minister’s study, located just to the side of the sanctuary. There he propped the door open, just wide enough to hear Dr. Gurley.
During the walk home, an aide asked Mr. Lincoln his appraisal of the sermon. The president thoughtfully replied, “The content was excellent; he delivered with elegance; he obviously put work into the message.”
“Then you thought it was an excellent sermon?” questioned the aide.
“No,” Lincoln answered.
“But you said that the content was excellent. It was delivered with eloquence, and it showed how hard he worked,” the aide pressed.
“That’s true,” Lincoln said, “But Dr. Gurley forgot the most important ingredient. He forgot to ask us to do something great.”
Great Action Is the Source of Greatness
Abraham Lincoln didn’t expect people to BE great. He expected them to DO something great –to take great action.
Although we won’t all be recognized by history as being great, we are all capable of striving for greatness in our actions. Greatness can lie in the small everyday actions we take. If a friend of colleague needs our attention, it is an act of greatness when we put what we are doing aside and listen with our full, undivided attention. The small, specific things we do can become a platform for greatness.
Most of the good of the world builds on the accumulated efforts of everyday people doing small things in a great way. A life should strive for greatness, as Mr. Lincoln seemed to know.
Great and Perfect Are Not the Same
You don’t have to do something perfectly for it to be great. Focus on what is most important about your action and ensure you do that well; the other trappings are not as important. Conversely, the pieces can be excellent, like the content and the delivery of Dr. Gurley’s sermon, and it can still fall short if what is essential is missing.
The Five Keys to Making An Action Great
Be clear about what is essential: Understand what higher purpose your action serves.
Know what greatness looks like: Have a clear sense of what an excellent job looks like. Start with the end in mind.
Bring a serving heart: Ensure your action provides value, and is not simply self-serving.
Give it your all: Make a full effort, with your full attention.
Learn as you go: Be willing to make mistakes; treat them as learning opportunities.

Nov 26, 2011

You Should Reconsider Before You Ask Someone for Free Help

I’ve been utterly floored this past month by the volume of requests I’ve received for FREE help from complete strangers, and by the nature and content of these requests.
The bulk of these requests have come in from readers of my article LinkedIn: Busting 8 Damaging Myths About What It Can Do For Your Career, that ran on on September 13th. It surprised all of us (the Forbes editors and me) as it blew up on the front page and was viewed by over 60,000 people.
That week, I literally heard from over 150 folks asking for all sorts of free help and I continue to get requests, including my review and recommendations on: their LinkedIn profiles, resumes, job or career options, potential career changes, interview approaches, how to get testimonials, and on and on.
What I’m stunned about is that in all of these requests for free help, not ONE person offered to pay for my time, or suggested bartering with something of value. They simply wanted help without offering anything in return. Perhaps I’m crazy, but I would never ask a stranger for help in this way.
Further, a good number of these requests for free help were:
1) Urgent – “I have an urgent career decision to make. Can you respond asap?”
2) Disrespectful – These folks didn’t care or consider for a second that I make my living offering career counsel. I’m not a non-profit or a charity; I’m a business owner. And I’m really good at what I do, after years of training and experience. It takes a significant amount of time and energy to review someone’s information/situation and offer tailored recommendations. I deserve to be paid for my time and effort.
(For the record, I do offer my time for free, but on a very selective basis to organizations and non-profits that have a broad reach and help hundreds of people through their services.)
3) Narcissistic – It’s all about them, and what they need and how soon. Never a second thought about what I might need in order to be of service to them.
4) Clueless – It’s clear that these folks hadn’t a clue that theirs was one of hundreds of similar requests, and as such, impossible to accommodate without their becoming a client of mine, and having time scheduled in my calendar.
Please don’t get me wrong. I’m truly honored and excited that my writing touched a chord and resonated with so many people, and I certainly hope that trend continues. And I do LOVE to be of service to people, helping them make positive change. And I love hearing from folks about how my writing impacted them.
That being said, I’m tired and fed up with free help requests. It remains shocking to me that so many people all across the globe who want help forget to be considerate and respectful of those they’re asking support from. Come on people! Let’s reverse that trend.
My hope is that going forward, anyone who asks another individual for free help will be more considerate and thoughtful prior to making the request. Think about what the helping party deserves for his/her support, what it will take from them to give you the help you want, and what you can offer in return. If you can’t offer money, think about what you can provide that would be meaningful. NEVER ask without considering these issues beforehand.
One more thing – for every request you make for FREE help, offer someone else free help instead.

Nov 23, 2011

How To contact Into a Professional Intimate Business Relationship

It used to be that you met someone at a meeting or a mixer, had a real conversation with them, perhaps saw them again at a luncheon, exchanged an email or phone conversation, and eventually, developed those initial interactions into a long-term business relationship.
If you really worked at it, nurtured a friendship beyond the workplace, that connection turned into what I call a Professional Intimate Relationship (PIR) – a relationship that flourishes beyond office walls. A PIR is a mutually beneficial connection that is fueled by your sense of urgency and a shared purpose. A Professional Intimate Relationship is one in which both parties feel understood and appreciated, thereby reducing negative stress and boosting mutual respect. The PIRs in your life fully engage in your passion and work with you because they are as invested in you as you are in them.
Today, many business relationships actually start online: a tweet here, a Facebook “like” there, maybe even leading to exchanged blogs or video posts. With all this modern technology changing how we do business, it’s easy to lose the skills of developing “real-world” relationships — interpersonal connections can’t evolve into PIRs unless you give them the nourishment they need to grow and flourish.
Here are 5 tips to help turn a business contact into a Professional Intimate Relationship:
Agenda-less Listening: Listen without thinking about what you will get out of the conversation. Instead of thinking about how you can make a sale/close a deal, really listen, with your whole self, to what the other person is saying. What are their concerns in work, in life, and how can you help?
Beyond the Boardroom: Make connections beyond the work place. Talk to your business contact about life beyond the office. Do you both love to swim? Do you have kids the same age? Did you both grow up in small towns? Spending time bonding over similarities helps solidify long-term bonds.
Team-Up: Instead of asking for their business, put together a mutually agreed upon plan that will accomplish goals for a shared purpose. If you both are passionate about the vision, you will both work equally hard to make it a reality.
Move Forward: If you do work with the business contact on a project, be sure to think about how you can work together again. Are there other areas of your life in which you can partner? Is he or she involved in charity work that could use our talents? Do you have a sports group that could use a new member? Part of developing a Professional Intimate Relationship is extending the boundaries of your partnership beyond a single job, or a single facet of life.
Constant Contact: When you click with someone, either online or in person, it’s important to stay in constant contact and think about all the ways you can work, and play, together if you want the relationship to last a lifetime.

Nov 21, 2011


  With friendship day just round the corner we are all busy in gathering ideas to make this a special day for both of us. But do we really know the meaning & importance of friends in our life & if we don’t posses a best friend then what? This friendship day let your friend realize that you care for him/her & let us discuss some of the best ways to celebrate friendship day.
  All of us would know a lot of people however not everybody is our friend. Some of us have many friends and some of us have only a few friends, however, how many of us really have such friends who we can count on in the time of need?! Some on whom we can rely on and share our secrets with, without any hesitations or fear, some body who is not jealous and can motivate us.
  Well a true friend is the one who care about us without even uttering a word. A real and honest friend is a person who can even understand our silence and support us through thick and thin. Who never discourages us; however, help us keep our feet grounded. A true friend is our real support system on whom we can rely on anytime we need.
  However, we should be grateful to such friends and should not take them for granted. We must thank them for their unconditional support and be there for them as well in their time of need. One of the best ways and occasion to let your friends know such a heartfelt feeling is friendship day. There are many ways of celebrating this special day and here are some ideas just for you and your friend. You can choose from a wide range of friendship day gifts available in the markets. You can buy flowers for friendship. You can even arrange a party and celebrate your bond with friendship day cake. Friendship day cakes can be ordered as per your choice as well. You can get some of the unique ideas for friendship day celebrations from one of the websites named Ferns and Petals (FnP). It can really guide you in a nice way to celebrate it in a unique way. Ferns and Petals (FnP) can not only give you some good ideas but also make you aware about the ways to celebrate the occasion.
  You can also buy gift hampers for friendship day such as friendship day flowers with cards. You can personalize your friendship day cards with friendship quotations. Another gift for best friend can be friendship bands, which are available in wide range of colors, shapes and sizes.
  In case you or your friend can not meet each other for some reasons, you can still send your heartfelt message to him/her. You can send online gift almost anywhere in the world. You can send gift to India and/or send gift to US. You can choose online friendship day cards with friendship day quotes or you can send flowers to India and/or send flowers to USA.

Nov 14, 2011

Opportunities For Business Friendship

  to Met By Chance, where opportunities for business, friendship, and romance meet unforgettable, even life changing, experiences.
  At Met By Chance, we believe the best connections are those that happen organically.
  But in today’s fast-paced, technology-driven world, creating meaningful connections isn’t always easy. Sustaining them can be even harder.
  That's why we make it our business to organize opportunities in which our members can focus on what’s truly important: time together well spent. Here, intimate environments, exciting activities, and diverse groups of people are bridged together with a splash of technology to connect potential business partners, lifelong friends, even soul mates.
  Simply put, Met By Chance makes the experience of meeting others fun, effortless and, most importantly, memorable. The rest is up to you ...
  Join us for experiences of a lifetime ~

Nov 11, 2011

Open The Door Of Business Friendship

  Our door is open
  We are constantly looking for upgrading our distribution network in India and worldwide.
  If you are associated with construction, building material, project supply and if you have good contacts with construction industry's Owners, Developers, Architects, Contractors, we welcome you to be become our authorized Distributor partners.Being a business partner with us is maintaining a
  long lasting friendship with us. Partnering with us
  You can choose one of the following options and become our business partner
  Become an Agent or distributor to promote our products
  Be our representative in your country
  Be a retailer for our products

Nov 9, 2011

Keep Your Business Friendship Close

  First: Hold your friends close. My approach has been to bond closely and at a level of true friendship with our client contacts. I want them to know I value their friendship—and I truly do. As a firm, we continually offer our support, encouragement, and professional and career counseling to these individuals.
     If they run afoul of politics in their organizations, we offer advice. If they find they need to look for opportunities elsewhere, we help in anyway possible.As a result, these client contacts offer support to us, slash through bureaucratic and organizational obstacles, do internal "marketing" on our behalf, and, should they move on to other pastures, they take us with them if at all possible.But we don’t do this out of tit-for-tat. We do it out of a sincere and genuine interest in these people as people and as friends. The quid pro quo approach that many take in business relationships is, in my opinion, beneath contempt. And it doesn’t even work.Whether you work inside an organization or as an external consultant or adviser, there’s much wisdom in all three of those maxims.
   They have guided me as an external consultant in building strong relationships within client organizations; being brought by client contacts to their new organizations when, for whatever reason, they sever their relationship with the original consulting client; and in navigating the often treacherous waters of the politics within a client organization.I’d say, from the standpoint of business relationships, LBJ was right on both scores.
    But there’s a piece I think LBJ missed that is key in business relationships today: Hold your friends’ enemies close, too.

Nov 8, 2011

Business Etiquette For Global Business

There's hardly any chance that you can get away with bad etiquette in your global business endeavor, bad manners will make you loose your company's goodwill, customers and sales in no time. To make it even worse, you can spoil your country's image if you are not courteous enough with your foreign clients. Irrespective of the position you hold in your company, when you meet some client, you are representing your company as a sales person. Business meetings are not a place to show attitude, flaunt your rough & tough personality, being bullish or non-serious. You are not going to meet your international clients a lot, so when you do, make sure you were well prepared for the occasion.
More than vocabulary, it's the right choice of words, more than accent, it's being clear in what you say, more than fluency, it's conveying your message to the receiver without any confusions. English is the standard business language, and to get into some global business, you need to be familiar with this great communication tool. Good proficiency in English will make it so easy for you to operate while poor English skills will halt your progress every now and then. Apart from English, you need to know a little bit of native languages when traveling to places like Germany or some Asian and Middle Eastern countries.
The all-important Punctuality:
One thing that is equally important and equally appreciated in every society is punctuality. Getting there in time, or slightly earlier than the fix time will do a great deal in casting a positive impression. Being on time shows that you know the value of time; it also reflects at your commitment. How successful do you think a sales person can be who arrives late at business appointments? The client will be judging your sincerity and how seriously do you take your business by your punctuality.
Appearance & Introduction:
Appearance includes your dress, expressions and body language. Read a little about body language and winning expressions and try to apply the basics like smiling, being upright and showing enthusiasm. Don't experiment with what you are wearing; in most cases black suit is a safe option unless you are meeting someone at a golf resort. Be attentive when you are introduced to a group of people, if you have to introduce your companions, use full names and titles.
Gifts & Dinners:
Corporate business gifts like Desk Accessories, Pen sets, business card cases can place you in other person's good book and make your job a lot easier if you are looking to get some contract or strike a deal (same do not apply to the Government officials, there's a difference between gift-giving and bribing). When it comes to business dinners, take them as seriously as your business meetings. If you are eating out in some foreign country like China or UAE, learn their table manners in advance to avoid any kind of embarrassment.
Phone Calls & E-mails:
When writing business letters or e-mail mention the intended recipient and subject line clearly. Make sure your answering machine or voice mail system is properly working, try to return the calls promptly, when on phone, be polite and talk clearly.

Nov 6, 2011

British Business Etiquette for Foreigners

There is a general impression of Britain to many outsiders that it is overly formal and rigid, especially when it comes to business. However, over the past century, Britain has become increasingly diverse, both in terms of its population and how the country does things.
When doing business in the UK however, it all comes down to what generation you are doing business with. The older generations tend to be more formal in their manner, preferring to work with people they known or who have worked with associates. There is also the preference to do things in more traditional manners, such as face-to-face meetings. However, with a younger generation of businessmen rapidly coming to the fore, there has been a chance in the business dynamic.
Younger businessmen are notably less formal, and are more eager to do business with new companies and partners without building a long relationship. They also prefer networking and relationship building, knowing that these could be key to spreading their brand around the world and among other industry companies.
How despite generational differences, there are basic etiquette tips that should be adhered to, no matter the age of the client. They are generally found in most countries, and these guidelines won't be unfamiliar to anyone who has attended a European business meeting.
You should always wear a suit or business attire to a meeting, and shaking hands upon arrival and departure is the standard greeting. Eye contact during conversation is regarded as polite as is the exchange of business cards if you have them. Business gifts are generally not done in the UK, though it is not uncommon to go out for a business meal.
When it comes to business and meetings, punctuality is also very important, therefore if you are running late, it is polite to inform anyone you could keep waiting.
Once in the meeting, discussion is often direct, though many UK businessmen prefer to understate their statements, using phrases as "perhaps" or "it is possible". Meetings are generally formal, with the purpose being laid out early on so that an agenda can be reached.
There may be some initial small talk at first, but be aware that British businessmen are often there to do a deal, and as such you must make sure you have the facts and figures to back up any claims that you might make. In fact, it is not all that different from Dragon's Den.

Nov 3, 2011

Business Etiquette Tips For Woman

Smile and shake hands
Keep smiling. You'll be more relaxed and in a better mood, and people can't help but be warm and friendly in return. Whenever you're introduced, or is someone comes up to ask a question, remember to smile and extend your hand. Conventions are a great opportunity to network and meet others-and a smile and ready handshake helps smooth the way.
Some men have been taught, not to extend their hand first, to women, so you need to put your hand out for the handshake. To help recall a person's name later, say his or her name aloud as you shake hands. Repetition is a memory aid, as is associating that, person's name with someone you already know with the same name.
Be on time
It can be hard to judge how much time it will take to finish your breakfast at a restaurant crowded with convention attendees, or to figure out how long it will take to find rest rooms and locate a seminar room, but, don't let new situations and distractions keep you from attending panels and other events on time.
When doors are constantly opening and closing because of late comers to a seminar, the rest of the attendees are disturbed. The mouse may also disrupt the speaker. It might be assumed that a woman late because she's flaky or was still putting on her makeup. Don't reinforce that image: Be polite and be on time. Pad your commute schedule with plenty of time-even if it means arriving too early. You can always bring something to read or work on.
Carry business cards
This is your opportunity to meet others in your industry. Don't forget to bring lots of business cards and carry them with you to all events. People remember names when they see them in print. And the cards you collect may prove to be from valuable business contact later. When meeting others, initiate a business-card exchange as often as possible. Make sure to write a note or two on the back of the card you receive so you'll be able to remember the contact later when yon sort, through a deck of cards after the trip.
Join a group
It can be downright scary to walk into a room full of people and realize you don't really know anyone there. At, an opening event mixer, there is a business responsibility to network and meet others. But women have been taught to wait to be introduced. This situation is an exception to that old standard, and it will take some courage to get started.
First of all, put yourself in a positive frame of mind by reminding yourself that you are a bright, interesting, and professional individual whom others are just, waiting to meet. Look over the room and find a small group that isn't clustered in a tight, exclusionary huddle. Walk up, smile, and say, "Hi. You look like you're having an interesting conversation. I hope you don't mind if I join you. My name is "
Alternately, you might find someone who is standing alone, perhaps looking over the scene much as you are. If there is entertainment, you can walk up, smile, and say, "Hi. This band is quite good, don't you think? My name is..." and extend your hand. Or perhaps you can make a comment on the interesting presentation of the food or mention that you might have seen the person in a seminar earlier in the day, as a way of opening a conversation.
Often, such gatherings are designed to get participants to mix and meet new people. For example, there may be some sort of "ice-breaker," perhaps clues written on the backs of name tags that direct attendees to seek out particular people. Or you may be assigned to a particular table or group. These devices should help ease you into making those initial contacts. Just be sure to keep the ball rolling after your first introductions.
Making safe small talk
Once you've got the conversation started, it may be difficult to keep it going. After you get past the usual questions about what someone's job is and what seminars he or she has attended, it may be a challenge to come up with anything else to say. After all, those people are strangers.
First of all, play it safe and apply the standard rules of small talk - don't discuss money, religion, or politics. An obvious topic is your industry. Perhaps there are some new developments, current issues, or even universal concerns that you could bring up. Some simple non-work topics to continue a conversation could include movies, vacations, music, art, sports, weather, or books. You can find out a lot about person just from these areas of interest. Some people like to discuss their children, but let someone else open that conversation, and enter cautiously. If you do discuss your work or employer, be positive. You don't want to run down your company or be a complainer in a public forum.
Don't overpower the conversation, but don't be a shrinking violet. One of the most sure-fire ways to keep a conversation going is to ask questions or others. Most people enjoy talking about themselves, and it will help put them at ease.

Nov 1, 2011

Useful Business Etiquette Tips For Woman On Business Trip

   Business etiquette is another issue of concern for the female business traveler. En route, you may not be involved with clients. But once you arrive at your first meeting or set loot in a convention hall, you're in a business setting, and etiquette questions arise. We especially challenging for a woman to combine the appropriate business response with the most well-mannered one. The two are not mutually exclusive. But many women have not had to face these etiquette questions at home because the situation occurs for the first time while they are traveling.
  Convention Manners
  Whether this is your first, trip or an annual ritual, an industry convention provides a unique opportunity for women to meet and network with others in their field. In some cases, others from your company may attend, perhaps even your boss. In any case, you are representing your firm and want to be on your best behavior. There will be some challenges to face-such as how to introduce yourself to perfect strangers and attending evening events while still getting enough sleep to face the next day's seminars.
  You may find that some men are more forward and aggressive at a convention. Keep your cool, and remember that the intensity and closeness of the setting can bring out the worst in people. Then, let it bring out the best in you. Step up to the challenge, because the benefits to your career are worth it.
  Limit alcohol intake
  After years of attending conventions, I think I have seen it all. Women who've had drink too much dance on tables. Men publicly, passionately kiss women (who aren't their spouses) because they've both had too much to drink. At a convention, it seems, people want let their hair down. Although fun and frolic may be amusing at the moment, a minute-by-minute retelling of various sophomoric actions certainly can't be comfortable for the participants upon return to the office.
  Most often, the easiest way to reduce the potential for embarrassing behavior is to limit alcohol intake. This sounds simple enough, but many first-time convention attendees forget that maxim when the drinks are free. Promise yourself before you walk into the first convention event that you won't have more than one drink. Switch to soda wafer after a glass of wine or that martini. Limit those wild nights and overindulging to non-business situations, when you're in the company of your loving family or understanding friends-not when your job or future career moves could be in jeopardy. Even if no one from your office is at the convention, word somehow spreads and could come back to bite you.
  Now that, you have the number-one convention problem under control, there are a few other considerations that will help make your convention experience easier.
  Dress appropriately
  This isn't the time to bring out that very sexy dress you've de-dined to wear at the office, or to step into some flattering but killer high-heel pumps. Your feet will appreciate the low-heeled shoes after a day of standing!
  Follow the convention dress code, wearing nice pantsuits or skirted suits. Make a fashion statement with a designer scarf or unusual jewelry, rather than a backless dress or a slit-to-high-thigh skirt. (On the practical side, dress in layers. Convention halls are notoriously freezing-or hot.)
  Smile and shake hands
  Keep smiling. You'll be more relaxed and in a better mood, and people can't help but be warm and friendly in return. Whenever you're introduced, or is someone comes up to ask a question, remember to smile and extend your hand. Conventions are a great opportunity to network and meet others-and a smile and ready handshake helps smooth the way.
  Some men have been taught, not to extend their hand first, to women, so you need to put your hand out for the handshake. To help recall a person's name later, say his or her name aloud as you shake hands. Repetition is a memory aid, as is associating that, person's name with someone you already know with the same name.